The Chief called me into his office about a week ago. What have I done? I thought.
Nothing more than I good job I guess. He informed me that out of a pool of candidates I was chosen to go to the criminal investigations division. I am trying to have a positive attitude about it. I always thought I would like to be a detective, although I have never applied for the position before. It comes with, what is for our agency, a pretty good raise. Better hours, holidays off. No more handcuff pouch digging into my back for twelve hours. I think I will enjoy the work if it doesn't bore me to death. I checked out my office the other day. It's a tiny little office that I don't intend to spend much time in. I'm not a big one for being stuck inside all day.
I will have to buy an entire wardrobe as I have virtually no dress clothes suitable for the postion. I spoke with the detective sergeant the other day. He seems to be a sharp guy who knows what's going on. I know the Lt. over the division and he is a very sharp guy with a lot of investigative experience.
My friend Mark ahs been a detective for about three years now. I remember when we were on patrol together. Neither one of us particularly ever wanted to come out of patrol, but when his baby was born he applied for and got the job. The hours and pay were just too good to pass up I suppose. He has earned a good reputation back there. He has been pestering me, as have all the other detectives, for the past three years to come to C.I.D.
Among other things I will have to rearrange my schedule with my son, but after a while it will balance out and feel normal. I doubt I will have anything exciting to blog about other than the paper shuffle I will be engaged in. It will be a good career move if I ever decide to promote again.
It's funny. You never know what life will hand you from one minute to the next.