Friday, February 10, 2006

Blood, violence and shell casings

This Blog is not who I really am. It is a part of me that I have to keep to myself. The things I see and deal with every day and can't talk to about with anyone else. This is the Grim part of me. My world consists of guns, shell casings, blood and violence. After seeing this day in and day out it has to go somewhere, so why not here.

I have had my hand broken in two places, I have had a number of stictches in my hand at one point from some maniac trying to run over me with his car. I punched the window out to steer him away, all because he had beaten some woman I didn't know and to this day have not met. I have had several people try to stab me, and a few that have hidden in the woods after running from me, debating whether or not they should kill me. I get cussed at every day because I can't solve peoples family members drug problems. I have sent 50,000 volts of electricity through at least five people and have had it shot through me twice.I have had a wife divorce me in the midst of a terrible illness when I couldn't see to fend for myself. I wouldn't trade any of these experiences for anything in the world because they have made me grow stronger. I live in a world of black and white, right and wrong, there isn't much middle ground. So there you have it, that is "blog" me and this is my first post.


KayeshmeyA said...


It's me again.

Just a question - wuld you mind very much if I based a book on your experiences?

I would love to hear more and write about them. And I'm sure there are lots of people out there who would too.

Write me :

Thanks - and sorry if I sound annoying.

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